Create ‘wet-dry’ mask grid

The pygmt.grdlandmash method allows to set all nodes on land or water to a specified value using the maskvalues parameter.



<IPython.core.display.Image object>

import pygmt

fig = pygmt.Figure()

# Define region of interest
region = [-65, -40, -40, -20]

# Assign a value of 0 for all water masses and a value of 1 for all land masses
grid = pygmt.grdlandmask(region=region, spacing="5m", maskvalues="0/1", resolution="l")

# Plot clipped grid
fig.basemap(region=region, projection="M12c", frame=True)

fig.grdimage(grid=grid, cmap="lajolla")

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 1.343 seconds)

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